

Hot, read heat fills my lungs, burning my throat as it exits my nose. Flames flicker around my crisp body slowly turning my smooth skin black. i can’t feel my legs. If i could, the pain would surely be unbearable. i’ve never said a word but i still try. my mouth cracks open but only humid… Continue reading Consumed



Hi all. Due to my recent and exciting boom of viewers and supporters, I’ve decided that every week I’ll post something new; on Sundays I will post my own writings including short stories, poems and thoughts whereas on Wednesdays, I’ll continue reviewing and reflecting on other people’s works. Look out for tomorrow!;)



I. AM. DONE. SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!! I actually finished a bit ago but then things got busy with my birthday so now I am officially going to blogging a lot more often! This journey through post-secondary has really taught me a lot, especially in regards to music and literature (ergo, why I like blogging about them) and… Continue reading DONE